Course Description

with Lee Jessup

A video presentation by one of the industry's top career coaches. A lecture that you can utilize at your own pace, whenever you like.

(Please note that the video presented here is an edited recording of a previously live event.)

This is one part of the three-day weekend the ISA hosted in Chicago during the May 2017 TV Weekend event. You can purchase all three video presentations and lectures with the TV Writing Video Package here.

In this 3-hour Master Series class Lee will share with you everything you need to know about becoming a working television writer. This session will explore the current television landscape, the realities and requirements for landing the agent or manager who will become instrumental for connecting you with the television industry, the various paths available for staffing on a show or selling your pilot, the contests, fellowships and programs available to writers seeking to stand out in the television space, and much more. 

Lee Jessup

Learn From an Expert

Lee Jessup is a career coach for professional and emerging screenwriters, with an exclusive focus on the screenwriter’s ongoing professional development. Her clients include working screenwriters who have sold screenplays and pilots to major studios and booked writing assignments, staffed television writers, best-selling authors, television writing programs and feature fellowships participants, contest winners, as well as emerging screenwriters just starting on their screenwriting journey.

The skills you'll learn in this online video presentation will help you turn your good TV script into a great script, and get you ready to pitch and sell at the highest level. This is a highly competitive industry, so let us help you elevate your craft and your career.

Open to all storytellers – Screenwriters, TV writers, novelists, filmmakers, producers, agents, actors, development executives and more can benefit from this course.

Want to learn more? Register for other classes, CLICK HERE

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Lee Jessup

Lee is a career coach for professional and emerging screenwriters, with an exclusive focus on the screenwriter’s ongoing professional development. Her clients include working screenwriters who have sold screenplays and pilots to major studios and booked writing assignments, staffed television writers, best-selling authors, television writing programs and feature fellowships participants, contest winners, as well as emerging screenwriters just starting on their screenwriting journey. In her role as career coach, Lee serves as a sort of industry guidance counselor, adviser, drill Sargent, cheerleader, confidant and strategic partner. Lee’s knowledge and expertise in the space have been utilized by such entities as the WGA, NBC International, and FilmCourage, to name a few, as well as screenwriting conferences and film festivals across the United States and around the world. Her previous book, Getting It Write: An Insider’s Guide To A Screenwriting Career is a bestseller, and her next book Breaking In: Tales From the Screenwriting Trenches is due out from Focal Press in late 2016/early 2017. Additionally, she has been the interview subject of countless podcasts and screenwriting-centric websites. With her husband, two children, a dog, two cats, and hippie parents living upstairs, Lee currently resides in Los Angeles, where she continues to shepherd, champion and challenge her stable of talented, ambitious and dedicated writers.To learn more about Lee and what she offers for career consulting, you can go to her

Course curriculum

    1. Your Writing Career Specialist, Lee Jessup

    2. Your Television Writing Career - Video

    3. Your Television Writing Career - Video 2

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content